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The Magpie

Sunday, September 29th, 2024   |   20 comments

Going, Going, and …. Gone? Whatever Miles Decides, Conman The Barbarian Has Won.

It’s what American gamblers call ‘creating a middle’, a strategy of backing two outcomes with different ‘starts’ so you cannot lose.  If Miles moves on the mayor,  Thompson wins up to a year on full pay for doing nothing but waiting for a CCC outcome. If Miles doesn’t move on him, Thompson will remain a pointless person still doing nothing but still on four grand plus a week.  Plus invites to openings if fast food outlets. Either way, we will be left with his shit-eating Cheshire cat grin to comfort us.

But if Thompson is allowed to attend Wednesday’s TCC meeting, there can be only course open to councillors on the Strand parking meter issue: they must oppose the mayor’s ruinously stupid motion to ‘pause’ the Strand installation’, as spelt out in his latest FB post … there is a much better way if councillors simply put up their own amended motion.

The mayor’s MyPlace mates are busy elsewhere, having a minor victory … with outside and even international help … in Gympie.

With the passing of his friend and confidant Fran O’Callaghan, The Magpie is now at liberty to reveal the extent of the bullying she was subject to, and to call out  the main snivelling second rate standover merchants.

Getting rid of the Jenny Hill junta doesn’t seem to have changed anything, even the newbies are showing a tendency towards the old ‘let them eat cake’ agenda. It’s all there in black and white. It’s a particular instance that leads The Magpie to a serious suggestion … if Palm Island can have its own council, why can’t Magnetic Island?

And will Anthony Albanese be able to claim a social legacy like John Howard and Kevin Rudd before him? The issue is bthere but will he haved the ethical will to do something meaningful about the gambling scourge creating havoc across thre nation. The ‘Pie has a link to a brilliant analysis on the issue.

The ‘Pie is too busy with this wide ranging edition of the Nest to be witty or whimsical about the ever present need for assistance with blog costs, so in short, if you can help, that would be great, the donate button is at the bottom of the blog.

But first up …



There is a sensible, responsible  and fairly obvious way around his cunning, a way that should achieve a sort of compromise on the parking issue. Just in case you’re not aware of what he is up to,  you should see the following and make your own judgement

Some background.

Last Monday, councillors and TCC executives had a private meeting with Strand business people who strongly oppose the introduction of paid parking on the Strand.  The reality of their opposition, allied to residents, health, professional, the Chamber of Commerce and even the Catholic Bishop, was persuasive enough to bring the matter back before them at next Wednesday’s regular council meeting.

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And while the Bulletin and reporter Chris Burns have been doing meticulous work in putting this issue front and centre, even they have fallen into a trap that Mayor Troy Thompson has latched onto …  they have conflated parking on the Strand with the proposed same scheme in Palmer Street and around the Mater Hospital in Pimlico. This is a fallacy, and each area has it’s own reason to accept or oppose the plan, but these are three separate issues, with widely varying arguments that are not related to one another. One size does not fit all.

Shortly after that Monday meeting, Thompson, in a move that was exceedingly dense or exceedingly cunning,  put up this Facebook post.Screenshot 2024-09-28 at 7.01.18 pmSounds good, doesn’t it?

But in fact it is a wasteful recipe for confusion and manipulation, not to mention endless ratbaggery  from various quarters.  Socially indifferent people like Matt Richardson and Clr ‘Chuckles’ Robertson only see numbers and their financial outcome, not their community outcome. It should be made clear that this no way a council should govern.

You cannot equate the concerns of restaurateurs, hoteliers conventions centres and tourist areas with the residential concerns of Pimlico residents.

This can easily and justifiably be pared down to just two issues … Pimlico, and Palmer Street. Consultations and surveys of the sort Thompson proposes aren’t cheap and they invariably aren’t quick. And the longer it goes on, the more opportunity Thomson has to dishonestly paint himself as the people’s champion … which he is anything but.

The key factor here is simple … there should not be any expensive, double dipping, time wasting consultation needed on the Strand issue … if any councillor is in any doubt about the overwhelming opposition to the scheme, they haven’t been paying attention. They’ve got their ‘consultation’  on the Strand proposal in spades from all quarters. It is clearly NO, scrap it.

The solution next Wednesday is simple. DO NOT vote for Thompson’s self-serving popularity contest, but put up your own motion to immediately scrap the Strand project, and admit you got it wrong. If you feel there is consultation needed in the other two areas, include that in your motion.  If you don’t settle the Strand matter when you so easily can … and it is really just bowing to the inevitable … you will feel further wrath from the public who are fed up with the endless back and forth of some council matters, with no real leadership evident from anyone.

You can all change that to a small degree on Wednesday.

A person who readily admits their mistakes can be described as humble, accountable, self-aware, and open-minded. They are not afraid to acknowledge when they are wrong or have made an error in judgment. They take responsibility for their actions and  display a high level of integrity.
John Lee

Note the words accountably, responsibility and integrity.

Leading businessman Craig Stack, whose company manages the North Ward shopping village has not so subtly reminded the council of an unwanted consequence of the Strand move … in the past few days, new signs have been placed around the car park. Village regulars will not have missed Mr Stack’s point.

Screenshot 2024-09-28 at 5.54.19 pm Screenshot 2024-09-28 at 5.53.49 pm Screenshot 2024-09-28 at 5.54.03 pmBut the Stack company will have to pay for the monitoring and organise the towing. All thanks to the TCC.

But Will Thompson Be There On Wednesday To Put His Motion?

As the saying has it, nothing concentrates the mind like being hung in the morning … or a like a losing election coming up.

Premier Smiley has made a judgement that moving on our unbudging mayor might get him some brownie points with local voters in the state election. We will know by tomorrow evening (Monday Sept 29) if Premier Miles mind has been concentrated enough by his legal galahs to stand down our con man mayor until the CCC verdict on his behaviour is in.  Which, for inexplicable reasons,  could take up to a year.

But that is hardly likely to bother TwoNames, in fact, might be cause for a bottle of bubbly, because either way, the big con has been achieved, and he’s on $4000 per week for at least the next six to nine months for doing nothing, no matter what Miles decides.

But of course,  Thompson, of all people,  had to post his thoughts on democracy in his usual insincere schoolboy FB flapdoodle.


I am deeply concerned by the report in the Townsville Bulletin this morning, which appears to quote Labor Premier Steven Miles stating his intention to remove me as Townsville’s democratically elected Mayor without cause, seemingly due to personal dislike.

It seems that the Labor Premier Steven Miles is attempting to create chaos ahead of the upcoming election on October 26, where he faces a potential and devastating defeat.

The suggestion that Labor Premier Steven Miles intends to remove me from my democratically elected position without legitimate cause is alarming. Such actions undermine our democratic principles and suggest a level of disregard for democracy in Queensland.

This kind of rhetoric, even as a threat, sets a dangerous precedent. It should serve as a warning to every Mayor and Councillor about the potential actions Labor may take against those they oppose in the future.

That prompted The Magpie to offer the following in comments.

The Magpie
17,774 approved
email hidden; JavaScript is required

A few observations of the patient from Dr. Magpie, and a couple ezy-read translations.
‘Deeply concerned’ = ‘I shit myself’.
‘seemingly due to personal dislike’ = ‘What a shock. I mean, what’s not to love about a valour-stealing, academically lying, fraudulent business incompetent who goes in for the odd bit of biffo on the missus? Really I ask you.”

So in the judgement of decent people, there is plenty of legitimate reasons to remove you, but in Queensland, they may not be legal … until Crisafulli becomes premier.

And it’s absolutely ironically delicious to read about the danger of precedents from one of the most dangerous precedents it has been our displeasure to experience. And you yourself are what serves as a warning to other lying, cheating violent two-bit it chiselers who run for public office on a campaign of lies.

Anyway stay tuned.

But If This Walking Pong Remains, Here’s A Cautionary Tale

Thompson’s whacko MyPlace knuckle draggers ares sweating on their man getting. a greater foothold in Walker Street to claim another local government scalp. They will be waiting to introduce some of their wild-eyed policies here, just like they have done elsewhere, most recently in Ipswich.

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This lot are no joke, they are expensive pests, and have been creating all sorts lolling-tongue mischief, first in Frankston, then Bundaberg, Maryborough and Gympie. Now they’re poised to have a tilt at their biggest scalp, Townsville.

Another reason Thompson must go.

With The Sad passing Of Fran O’Callaghan, Some Things Need To Be Put On The Record


Fran always said she hated all the non-smiling pictures of her in the paper. This is how she wanted to be remembered.

Fran lost her battle with cancer and died peacefully on September 17,  with husband Peter and family at her side. There was a private funeral last Tuesday, and on Thursday, at Fran’s request through a third party, The Magpie announced the sad loss on behalf of the family.  That she had asked me to make the announcement was a final small gift marking our friendship.

I met Fran shortly after she was elected  to represent Division 10. She rang asking if we could have a chat. Over coffee, it was clear she was very distressed at the treatment she was receiving by her council colleagues and the mayor, and she needed reassurance that she was doing the right thing. The ‘right thing’ for Fran was being directly honest in her concerns and questions, many put to her by constituents who were mystified by council matters, particularly finances.  Not surprisingly, this greatly upset the Hill Team’s cosy club,  particularly the then mayor Jenny Hill, who took an instant dislike to Les Walker’s replacement.  Hill’s public bullying, official complaints over minor matters  and threats of further unjustified regulatory action became standard fare that Fran faced. It was a disgusting display of the misuse of power, which was aided and abetted by several councillors, but Fran never flinched or took an easy but less ethical path.

I kept meeting Fran from time to time over the coming years, giving her what reassurances I could. She was sometimes close to tears of frustration and hurt at her treatment, but she never wavered, and went back with hard but polite questions time and time again. She was often shut down or refused permission to speak by Hill on many occasions. Fran told me the bullying wasn’t restricted to the Chamber, and the most vicious corridor snipers were Clrs Greaney and Ryder, and was all the more devastating for her because of the private nature of the corridor comments.

But the worst insults she confronted were from the egregious, mock official behaviour of the poor  man’s Dennis Denuto, TCC junior legal council Tony Bligh. Having witnessed Bligh’s hectoring, bullying behaviour in minor court matters – you’d think that the owner of an errant dog was a mass murderer the way he grandstanded in magistrates court – I really felt for Fran. In the end., probably on Bligh’s advice, and for the last few months she attended council, she was ordered that she could not talk directly to the mayor, but only though Bligh who, Fran said, often belittled what she wanted the mayor to hear.  A truly little man with the heart of a pea, who told me himself when I bumped into at Coles before I learnt of this behaviour that I had wrong in sticking up for her and she was a crackpot.

This all made Fran so indignant that instead just running again for council – an assured victory, she was popular – she decided the only way to restore the council’s credibility was to run for mayor. She she did, using her own money. Through casual mentions here and there, it seems she bankrolled herself to the tune of around $35,000. Despite offers of mega backing from at least three local businesses, Fran was determined not to be compromised and insisted she would not accept any donation over $499 ($500 was the level where donors had to be declared).because she wanted to be able to show she was beholden to nobody but the ratepayers.

There are two others who deserve dishonourable mentions here.

Troy Thompson gave a very nice tribute to Fran on his FB page, and revealed that when Fran retired from the mayoral race, she gave him assistance in his campaign (she knew no more than all of us knew about him at that time) There was an implicit understanding – or so Fran thought – that if he won, she would have some role as an advisor.  Thompson did not honour whatever agreement they may have had and point blank refused to entertain the idea. It is subsequently clear why, his MyPlace mates have no room for a straight shooter like Fran knocking their agenda of the rails. She shared Thompson’s concern about previous council financial fancy footwork, but I cannot imagine she would not have entertained for a minute off-the-wall idiocy like the Gympie fluoride issue let alone their ‘sovereign citizen’ claptrap..

And the Townsville Bulletin needs to think about its community role here. The paper’s tributes for Fran have respectfully praised her , and Cas Garvey knew Fan and spoke with often in the final months, but Ms Garvey’s predecessor point blank refused to consider some of the well documented questions and complaints about the Hill council’s financial management, and certain behaviour towards her.  His astounding reason was that readers weren’t interested in local politics, which for a newspaper editor, is a hell of a funny way to fly an aeroplane.  The close relationship between Hill and the paper is well known but ignoring this behaviour was a new low in its journalism. Ms Garvey, aided greatly by reporter Chris Burns, is returning some credibility to the paper, ironically because of Troy Thompson’s hostility towards truthful stories they ran.

But that’s all to late for Fran O’Callaghan.

It is fitting that certain councillors made any comment on Fran’s death, thus avoiding be labelled as hypocrites as well as disgusting and cowardly bullies.

Vale, my brave friend.

Speaking of Messagebank

Seems Labor have given up on him. His posters look like he’s almost ashamed to be associated with the party.


Looks like a shy afterthought, doesn’t it?

Forget A New NQ State, Let’s Have A New NQ Council

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Many residents on Magnetic  are unimpressed with the Townsville City Council, and with their representative on the agust body, Ann-Maree Greaney.

And Many people on the big island (Australia) think the people on Magnetic Island are entitled whingers, who get more than enough of city ratepayers money.  But it would seem, to the ‘Pie’s imperfect memory of recent island history,  many of the complaints are justified. And the high handed behaviour towards them by Walker Street has been exemplified by the Nelly Bay dredge dump site in residential Kelly Street.  Sure, what to do with the spoil when Nelly Bay marina is dredged – 10,000 cubic metres of it – is a cosy versus site availability exercise, but the very least that could reasonably be expected is some consultation about the project. Because there does seem to be an alternative, but no discussions have been held.

And how about this for arrogance from the preening shiny bum public servants at the TCC. This is an excerpt from a council update in a Magnetic Island News story - get a load of the last paragraph in bold.

Carrying out this dredging maintenance will include:

 Preparing Council’s Kelly Street site for the management of dredged material

Dredging Nelly Bay Marina to remove around 10,000m3 of material from the canal sections


Moving the dredged material from Nelly Bay Marina to the Kelly Street site and managing the material for the purpose of recycling.

Using the recycled material across the island for various purposes.

Work to prepare our site at 55-77 Kelly Street has started and will continue in stages up until we begin dredging. This will include fencing and the construction of embankments and walls to form barriers to retain and manage the dredged material in accordance with Council’s approved environmental consent.

And now cop this line of up-yourself disdain for the little people …

Once the proposed site layout and management plans are complete, including details of how the work and storage will meet all environmental approval conditions, Council will share more information with local residents and listen to any community concerns.

Listen to community concerns? You jest, you onanistic time servers. What’s the point of listen to ‘community concerns’ when the answer clearly is going to be ‘sorry, too late, we’ve already built the embankments and fences and stuff, so sorry.’

But if Maggie residents feel they are are done by – as they apparently are –  and mainlander including the council treat islanders as though they are zoo exhibits to be maintained but at not too high a standard, what’s to be done?
The ‘Pie will tell you what … let Maggie have its own council. Now, if you’re feeling generous and feel you should indulge the old bird;s whimsy, not so fast. Before dismissing the idea, compare these charts. The first is Maggie,  the second Palm. For this argument, the key is population.
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If it works for Palm, why not Maggie?  There might be some disparity in subsides based on the general tint of the populace, but there are creative ways the government could assist without having to directly give dough – well, not too much.
For instance, gift the MIC  the rights to the car and passenger ferries, with suitable concessions for ratepayers and full whack for visitors. Be a nice little earner. And Tourism Queensland would no doubt chuck in mega dollars for the ‘jewel in the crown’ of the region’s tourism.
Mary Vernon for mayor … she’d keep ‘em in line.
Of course, not everybody would support this idea, but there is little doubt that one person who would is Ann-Maree Greaney … what a relief for her.

Our Weekly Selection Of US Politics (And Elsewhere) In Increasingly Dark Humour

As election day gets closer,  Donald Trump and his MAGAniacs have already promised more turmoil, by deciding in advance that the election will be rigged. And that will  be very interesting if by chance Trump wins, however if he does, that will be the least of the world’s problems.  But there are strong indications that more and more people are wearying of this shysters verbal vomit.

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The Cowardly Lion 

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Next, Exploding Cleft Sticks


Reaching Across The Gender Divide

Cooperation between the genders has always been a touchy factors from time to time. What wife hasn’t chosen her hubby’s undies?  And there must be many a generous chap willing lend a hand with a similar problem for women.

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 10.23.18 am Gives a while new meaning to the pleasure of being in your cups.


The end of a sad week in some ways, but perhaps we will see hope in the next seven days. Join the conversation in comments, lively, amusing and sometimes thought provoking (often regarding the sanity of some readers). If you can help out with kicking the financial can to help meet ever present blog costs, the donate button is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. mike douglas says:

    Council executive , directors , councillors , acting ceo seem to be using Mayor Thompsons issues as a distraction to do nothing . There has been a question on the hires under Team Hill , Townsville Council to attract qualified staff . Mayor Thompson is only one person . When you see all the activity happening in Cairns ” biggest public housing project in Qld ” growth in new resi builds , Council open day with business on all Councils projects even the smaller local Councils are winning funding from Government . Lansdown ( Team Hills number 1 priority , public housing nth rail yards ) behind closed doors or any update on savings so the City doesnt go further into debt . Appears Councillor Mooney is doing Greaney and not answering emails and phone calls from his division . Normally Councillors include themselves in photos attending events but not our Councillor Dirou for Thuringowa / Mt Louisa . Even when you listen to Council live stream not a peep on activity or requested funding for our division .

  2. Andrea says:

    Pie, Last night I attended an event and was told the Northern Rail Yards has plenty of dodgy elements to it.
    QLD government gave it to TCC for $20,000.
    Site is owned by a TCC company by way of shares.
    John Rosel is an employee, what’s the income?
    Brad Webb & State are match funding $35M each.
    It has been subdivided into 4 lots, a museum, an office tower, social housing and accommodation tower. Brad Webb has asked and been accepted to pay no rates / fees to TCC until 2055. He will pay for the trunk infrastructure to be established. Seems like another back pocket deal by Mr Webb

    • The Magpie says:

      So, “Andrea”, we have a mystery event where a mystery person told you a whole bunch of stuff about the North Rail Yards deal, without them or you offering any supporting evidence.
      That raises a few questions for you “Andrea’.
      What was the event you attended? A MyPlace BBQ and fundraiser? Or would you prefer we thought it was a Jenny Hill Last Chance Tupperware party?
      Who “told” you about what you call ‘dodgy elements’ about the site? Was it TwoNames?
      Ownership and price of the site is well known – mentioned in the paper and this blog multiple times, ditto John Rosel.
      The Bulletin story reported the two-way $35m deal between Webb and state. The state’s $35m is already allocated, agreed to months ago.
      Your detail of the elements of the project haven’t been reported anywhere else, so was your informant someone with access to negotiation documents? We know it couldn’t be the mayor, his ethics wouldn’t allow him to stoop that low.
      And if a deal has been done on rates and fees, how does your informant know this if it is actually true? That sort of arrangement is often commercial in confidence, and subject to one of Walker streets famed closed door votes, but The ‘Pie can’t find any closed meeting agenda items that could match such a subject. (Gasp!!) This is not another leak by a civic minded whistleblower, is it?

      But even if it turns out to be true, so what, sounds like a good deal between local government, state and private enterprise to get this Labor inspired mess cleaned up once and for all. And a rates break to get much needed accomodation built sound OK to The ‘Pie.

      And not sure what you’re insinuating regarding some sort of shady ‘back pocket’ dealings on this matter, hard call when someone is putting up $35m of their own money. And you say ‘another’ back pocket deal. What was or were the other one(s), pray tell?

      The ‘Pie thinks he’d rather back Brad Webb, his history and his achievements for this city, and given the scale of the project whatever it evolves to be, The ‘Pie is willing to believe Mr Webb when he told the Bulletin it was a high risk project just decontaminating the site and ““We don’t think as a family company we will make any money for 15 years out of this section, but long-term it will be a really good thing for the city.”

  3. Cajun says:

    It is interesting that TT just can’t grasp the fundamental fact that he wasn’t actually elected. Townsville elected a double business degree-ed, ex-serviceman to lead us.

  4. Prince Rollmop says:

    Editor Cas Garvey penned an interesting post on LinkedIn last week in regards to Mr Democracy Twonames Thompson. I’ve copied it word for word. As follows;

    I don’t often share things I’ve personally penned on this platform, but something I’ve become fiercely passionate about is protecting the region I grew up from someone who has been quite literally laughing over the “attention, good or bad doesn’t matter” he’s been receiving since being sworn in as Mayor.
    He’s used the words “fake news” and “misinformation” more times than we’ve printed a daily paper, and quite frankly I’m sick of it.
    We are a small regional daily newspaper, and every single person who works in my team does so passionately, honestly and with integrity. We always check our sources and our facts and we take pride in that.
    This has gone on far too long.

    Anyway, read on more if you wish…

    OPINION: There is no mandatory background or resume fact-checking for mayoral candidates like for most state and federal candidates for major parties. Here’s why it’s time Queenslands local government laws are changed to protect our cities.

    • Alahazbin says:

      Class, And how did ‘Lightweight Leighton’ do his face checking?

    • Chris says:

      What an actual joke Cas. This clown of an individual has zero honesty and integrity. Mr Pie YOU are often the source of information as you seem to have better contacts than the shitrag. THIS is where they get their leads from and they know it.

      How embarrassing that they mention their “pride” for this dying Harvey Norman catalogue. Their readership is down because of what they created. Love or hate the Mayor, this is the only topic that seems to gain traction so they keep running the same story.

      They look for the negative in every story and for some reason they prefer to bring people down. I heard a story recently where a local completed his prison sentence, got out and turned his life around. He then completed in sport and won medals for Townsville. The Bully (correct name) reached out and asked to do a story on the person, only to turn the story around and make it about the individuals crime and imprisonment. But sure Cas, keep spinning that story that you are “fiercely passionate about protecting the region you grew up”.

      • The Magpie says:

        Wish that were true, but with the exception of a few notable Magpie scoops over the years, it is more the other way around … The ‘Pie, when not impudently criticising some lazy breaches of journalistic ethics or ability, uses stories from the original Bulletin yarn as a starting point for an opinion and expansion. The Maggie Island dredge dumping is a recent instance, and although The ‘Pie was first cab off the rank on the Strand parking, the paper has picked up that ball and is running hard with it. The Magpie shrugs of silly comments about being old an bitter and he sometimes wishes he could afford the cost to be as drunk as some suggest he is, but he has a good understanding of how important an ethical and honest newspaper (now news ‘platform’) is to a community. And that is what he wants to see, a return to proper journalism.

        That is why he gives Ms Garvey a tick for letting the most competent reporter at the paper for years, Chris Burns, go full frontal on council matters, and not just Thompson. If you’re going to knock, you should also be willing to applaud. And the Bulletin is getting better, but still has a ways to go with some editorial policies (insultingly posing advertorials news, no proper overview of the writing – as in sub editors, and no proper checking of matters picked up from social media – or their suitability as ‘news’).

        Can’t comment about the story you complain of, don’t know what you’re referring to.

  5. Winni says:


    some comments

    Your reporters failed to do fact checking on the Mayoral candidate BEFORE the local elections

    Did the other returned Councilors failed by not mentioning the Parking Meter Decisions BEFORE the local elections

    Can your reporters confirm WHEN the order was placed for the parking meters?

    Are you acting out of spite because the Mayor has reduced TCC contributions to the Bulletin?

    • The Magpie says:

      ‘Can your reporters confirm WHEN the order was placed for the parking meters?’

      Maybe the reporters can’t, but seems Pat Coleman info on this … see his info in comments last week.

    • Grumpy says:

      Winni – most, but not all, of Thompson’s lies and misrepresentations were known to the Hill camp prior to the election. I am told by former journalist that the Bulletin also knew. For some reason, Jenny Hill did not make an issue of the allegations. I suspect that she was so convinced of the fact she would walk it in that she deemed it unnecessary to lower herself to an attack ad campaign. She probably still smarts over the “no water crisis” gaffe. The Bulletin did not publish out of fear of a defamation suit and was also convinced that their pal Jenny would romp it in, so, why take the risk? As I have said here before, no one was more surprised that Thompson won than Thompson himself. He came to the job with no strategy, no plans, no policies and not even a basic understanding of how local government works – that much was evident by his child-like posts immediately after his election when he deemed it necessary to share his training modules with his devotees on Facebook. He was stuck with his rash and naive campaign promises (no rate rises for four years, the clown). He knows that the gravy train will stop sooner rather than later, but he is going to keep riding the rails as long as he can.

    • Jenny says:

      CAS Garvey is an idiot. If she was truly passionate about our city she would’ve called out the damaging Mullet and exposed the Mullet for being the useless leader that she was. Instead, CAS only went to war with Thompson because he denied her newspaper precious revenue. Hypocrite.

      • The Magpie says:

        Interesting perversion of the facts. Thompson was panicked that he’d been caught in multiple lies, which the paper quite rightly insist he explain. They insisted, he threw the toys out of the pram and refused to deal with the paper, and the paper proceeded to expose other matters and call him out. And could you please provide a single iota of proof that the Bulletin has been denied council advertising?


        Just please stop your fucking enabling agenda, Jenny. if you have an opinion, base it on facts.

  6. Alahazbin says:

    Might start taking bets on Ma Greany’s chances at the next LG elections. Popularity is waning on both side of the channel.

  7. How do they get away with it says:

    The Electoral Commission of QLD and QLD gov should be aware that the honesty of election candidates about their history cannot be a foregone conclusion, especially when it means a big pay packet. The cost to ratepayers of this mayor fiasco is scandalous. All Aussie ratepayers deserve far better with each candidate having thorough background checks. Imagine what would happen if a team of would be councillors made up a glowing background, the cost and the time to get rid of them would be astronomical. This whole debacle is a sick joke on ratepayers and the perpetrators get rewarded with big pay packets. Looks like things have not improved with the eviction of Team Hill. Townsville people’s hope for Council transparency and accountability has been destroyed. I was brought to tears about the shocking bullying of wonderful caring Fran. Why are those responsibility not held to account?

  8. Dave Nth says:

    Sorry to hear about Fran. Vale.

    Heard a rumour this week and unsure of veracity but KAP may have shot itself in the foot with ALP preferences (Am aware it is far from unusual but seems some aren’t).

    A lot in the northern suburbs who have supported Nick wont be this time after the preference deal. Was a lot of unhappiness at them running Ryder in Mundingburra as well, preference deal was the straw that broke the camels back.

    Casual conversations I’ve had back this also but from a crime perspective, LNP running an ex-cop at a time when youth are getting hand petting seems to be hitting a nerve.

    Am open to any other perspectives or insider info otherwise, as polling seat by seat is impossible to find. Bookies aren’t doing many seats, Antony Green similar and even Poll Bludger isn’t giving it much effort.

  9. Avogadro’s Number says:

    Hey Mr. Magpie. In relation to your comments regarding the treatment of Fran O’Callaghan by Tony Bligh: You may choose to not post this comment to your blog but I thought you might like to know ( if you are not already aware ), that in ‘Smith v Lucht’, the Queensland District Court decided that comparing a lawyer to “Dennis Denuto” of “The Castle” fame is defamatory. In that case there were no damages awarded due to the circumstances involved but the Court did decide that the comparison is defamatory. FYI only – I have no opinion on the accuracy ( or otherwise) of your comparison..

  10. Maggie Moggie says:

    Traditionally Maggie Island has not been considered an easy ‘gig’ for councillors, over the years there has been some classic quotes:

    Ann Bunnell – ‘the island aged me’ & ‘your all a bunch of ferals’
    The Mullet who was Div 3 councillor for several years – ‘doing business here is like sawing a baby in half’ – Solomons Child.
    Vern Veitch appeared to lose all of his hair, but worked hard for the island.
    Trevor Roberts and Jimmy Cathcart did also worked hard and earned much respect with island residents..
    As for our current councillor Ma Greaney, she is coping it from all sides and with good reason.

    The appalling decision to dump dredge material at 55 Kelly St in a residential area shows no foresight by this current council. A few years ago TCC wanted to place the transfer station there along with the green waste – another easy fix. Both Trevor Roberts and Vern Veitch worked hard for their constituents and had the transfer station built out at Cockle Bay well away from residential housing – albeit the greens were against it saying the land was ‘pristine wetlands’ which is wasn’t – it was a dumping ground for old vehicles.

    The harbour has a maintenance schedule after 20+ years it was always going to need dredging, the home owners at the harbour pay a levy on their rates.
    TCC has decided to take the cheapest option with no regard for residents.
    Has TCC used the levy money for maintenance – funding other projects??

    The Smoke and Mirrors of TCC finances…

  11. Motorist says:

    Somewhat off topic but at the local Woolworths today there is an outbreak of yellow discount/half price stickers throughout the shop. I am guessing at 30-40% of the items. Never seen anything like it before.

    I expect this is the charm offensive to distract the shopper that Woolworths and Coles have both been taken to court by the ACCC for dishonest price manipulation and price gouging.


  12. Prickster says:

    27 Days to the State election.

    Both Scott Stewart and Aaron Harper entered parliament nearly ten years ago, and Townsville has gone backwards.

    What’s worse is Scott has been a minister for since 2020 and leaves zero legacy for his portfolio, his city, and his supporters.

    What a disappointment.

    As for Banning Notice Number 272043 Walker – time to call last drinks.

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