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The Magpie

Saturday, October 19th, 2024   |   110 comments

Council As Kindergarten For Our Work Experience Mayor: “I Make Mistakes, I’m Learning On The Job’. Oh, Fucking Great, Mate.

But what kind of person has to learn that tacitly condoning racism and anti-semitism is deeply divisive, hurtful and wrong? And possibly illegal?   And what sort of person claims such comments on his fb page are the words of others, not his … but still leaves the comments there and even ‘likes’ them?  Again, he says,  it is someone else’s fault. And again, no care, no responsibility as Townsville’s shame deepens.

And this accidental mayor’s past comes back to mock him when he tries to undermine new CEO Joe McCabe.

There’s plenty of proof that The Magpie is no financial genius, but there seems to be something very screwy with the latest ‘snapshot’ of Townsville’s commercial property market. And that doesn’t include the TCC’s plaintive call for some punters to offset the eyes watering costs of Jenny’s Folly aka the Lansdown Eco-Hub in the Scrub.

An alarming tale of mice, men and inherited trauma:   an official report in Australia is suggesting ‘the white devil made me do it’  be seriously used as a defence by indigenous defendants.  Yes, seriously. And the reason will make you either laugh or despair.

And it is a first foir The Nest, but The Magpie has taken the precautionary move of including a trigger warning for some readers on a story involving Elon Musk.

Just our usual reminder that The Magpie’s Nest takes no advertising and remains an entirely independent voice, so all costs are privately met.  Which means times generally remain tight – all the time. If you can help out with some financial support, it will make it a bit easier to keep on keeping the bastards honest. The donate button is at the bottom of the blog. 

Our Nightmayor Continues …

Thompson Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 9.55.27 am

As the city sat, tapping its foot impatiently as the countdown to ‘show cause’  day approached, we all had hopes that Townsville would soon be back on an even keel, restoring confidence in the future and eventually get around to taking a closer look at our past which has shaped such an uncertain present. We felt the worst of the reputational damage done to Townsville by our self-seeking, mentally fractured mayor was over.

We could not have been more wrong.

Thompson antisemitism  Screenshot 2024-10-18 at 11.20.16 am

Alerted by a couple readers who regularly inform the (blocked) Magpie of the goings on on the FB page ‘Mayor Troy thompson’ , The ‘Pie was astounded to see the followingScreenshot 2024-10-15 at 6.28.18 pm

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This was a new low even for someone who starts in the basement. Even if Thompson’s comment seems innocuous and ambiguous – he claims it is harmless and exonerates himself – he dishonestly seems to claim an alarming unawareness that very fact is that he knew of the anti-semitic rant and left it on his comments makes it his responsibility.  And unfortunately,  since the fb site is headed Mayor Troy Thompson, it unfairly makes it Townsville’s shame as well.

The Magpie, who usually let’s The Nest do his talking,  was so infuriated, he sent the following email to all councillors,  Phillip Thompson and the relevant Human Rights and Jewish watchdog organisations.


Subject: Troy Thompson‘s permitting for antisemitic comments … and his endorsement of them … on his Townsville Mayor FB page.

I was genuinely appalled and disgusted with the vilely antisemitic comments and Mayor Troy Thompson’s apparent endorsement of the deeply disturbing sentiments (see attachments). No matter that they are nonsense, most antisemitism is, this is a situation where perception is everything. And that is vital for this city at this time.

Allowing material like this to be published is abhorrent at any time, but its total inappropriateness at this time in national and world events steps over into the grossly irresponsible. And further damages our economic and social well-being,  and the future build-back of Townsville.

I submit that there is no way you, as the community’s elected representatives can ignore this, it must be called out. If you do not, the redneck slur that is already trending with the name Townsville will be further accelerated. And a failure to act will rightly be seen as a dereliction of your elected duties to safeguard the overall wellbeing of the Townsville community.

Townsville’s reputation nationally is already in tatters, we have been made a laughing stock by this accidentally elected dishonest buffoon, who has single handedly caused such great damage to our ability to attract new businesses and citizens.

OK, it is reasonable many of you have rightly been careful in your quiet campaign to have him removed as mayor because of the legal minefield he has sown for you. 

But this is an entirely different matter.

You simply have no choice but to call out in the strongest possible terms this vile anti-Jewish rant that our mayor allowed to be posted, and which he in essence endorsed.  Remember, it is a page headed ‘Mayor Troy Thompson’  which can be misconstrued as an official council sentiment if not outright endorsement of that general view about Jewish Australians … indeed any Jewish people full stop.

Even more heinous than allowing it to be posted and not deleting it on receipt, he failed to call it out for both its illegality and immorality.  

At the time of writing, 10am Thursday October 17, the offending comments remain on the fb page, which means they have been up for several days, so Mayor Thompson, who says he employs three people to monitor and administer hisnpage, cannot claim ignorance, especially since has replied to one of the comments.

As I earlier suggested, I don’t think that in all conscience you have a choice in this, it is your duty on our behalf, to call this out and condemn it in the strongest possible terms. It damages not just the council, but every person who lives here and loves this city.

At the very least, a motion condemning this dreadful episode should be raised and voted on, no matter whether in the meantime Thompson is suspended or dismissed over other issues.

While I am sometimes criticised for my levity on serious subjects, this is no laughing matter and is a further serious detriment to this city. 

I am forwarding the offending material to the appropriate state and federal bodies which handle such matters.

Yours sincerely,

Malcolm Weatherup

The ‘Pie understands that the councillors are considering the best response to something they universally condemn.  They are quite correctly cautious about any response to The Nest,  given the legal minefields Con-Man the Barbarian likes to sow for them. Especially now there is a national focus on this issue.

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 But Wait, there’s More ….

The outcry prompted others to look further through other comments, and, lo and behold, we can now add racism to the mayor’s resume.  He has no choice but own  this demeaning piece of patronising racist garbage left over from the earlier colonial period  because he allowed it to be posted by one of his long-time supporters and confidants.

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Venten is well known as a MyPlace nutter and Thompson whisperer,  and is further proof Thompson’s ‘kitchen cabinet of MyPlace advisors’ looks more and more like the ‘baccy chewin’, hawk spittin’,  banjo playin’  cast of Deliverance. Only it is the Townsville public who are getting the Ned Beatty treatment from these hillbillies.

All this remained up until the heat became too much and all the offending material removed after several days of remaining posted. This demeaning circumstance was defended by Thompson is a Trump-like rambling post, blaming a conspiracy headed by the Bulletin, for attacking and trying to bring down the ‘office of the mayor’ which, with all his shining insincerity, assured readers he would never condone such heinous actions.

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It seems his abhorrence of  ‘any kind of mistreatment towards anyone ‘ is a new found virtue and didn’t apply to his former partner when he was found guilty of domestic violence judged to be so serious that he was ordered to regularly report to police.

Anyway, Show Cause Day is due to arrive this Tuesday, when the three week deadline expires. That situation has the added piquance of being less than a week out from the state election.  Wonder if Townsville is about to cop another damaging cop-out from Labor.

And A Little Perspective About TwoNames Lack Of Perspective

You may remember this little piece of gabbling twaddle from Troy Thompson, from a couple of weeks ago. While cooling his heels outside the closed  CEOn selection meeting from which he was excluded, he made this remark to the media while waiting.

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That is pure pompous tosh,  because that amount budget and assets  is not something the citizens of this city would care to hand over to someone with this record.

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Anyway, Back In The Real World …

This story caught The Magpie';s gimlet eye this weekend.

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That last line is another way of explaining the law of supply and demand affects prices.  Indeed, the paper is trying to put a brave face on the fact that, as many suspect, we aren’t travelling all that well. Various graphs back up this suspicion. The sale of commercial property can’t be counted in itself as some sort of growth, that all depends on who’s buying and whether it is just a property investment to sat on until things perk up. It’s a bit like a large chunk of the hospitality sector of Townsville consists of people selling each other cups of coffee and breakfast eggs benedict. That is, those who still have a job.

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Much of the commercial activity appears to be various interests positioning themselves for promised boom in projects, and not necessarily players ready to activate their businesses.  And for that to be realised as a boom for Townsville depends largely on the confidence investors can feel regarding the governance in Walker Street.

But the report’s author,  local economist Callum Kippin puts a brave face on it all, emphasising big ticket items unlikely to affected by the Walker Street circus.

“The strength of industrial property was on the back of an enviable $36 billion pipeline of major projects, led by the $5 billion Copperstring transmission line, and significant industry developments in the northwest Minerals Province, “which will stimulate a population growth and support the economy in the medium and longer term”. While not doubting Mr Kippin’s statement, and certainly agreeing it is ‘enviable’,  The ‘Pie would be curious to know just how much of that $36 billion is actually locked in.  Anyone who dismisses that query hasn’t been paying attention to Townsville’s plight for the past few years.

 Then the report gave us this overview:

Major Projects Update

• Copperstring – $5 billion – Construction commenced on the first worker accommodation site, located in Hughenden.

• Great Barrier Reef Aquarium Redevelopment – $180 million – Partial funding reallocated to project by Townsville City Council. Awaiting Australian Government confirmation.

The proposed Global Great Barrier Reef Centre of Excellence.

The proposed Global Great Barrier Reef Centre of Excellence.

• North Railyards Housing Project Fringe-CBD site transferred into company ownership for Townsville City Council led housing project. $35 million Queensland Government commitment for site preparation.

• Townsville Eastern Access Rail Corridor Queensland Government funding commitment to revisit business case.

• Gawara Baya Wind Farm $1.4 billion – Australian Government approval granted to Windlab for 69-turbine facility in the Burdekin region. Construction expected to commence in 2024.

But notice what wasn’t mentioned?  Yup, good old Lansdown. Seems someone in the back room at Walker Street has looked at the tenders already let, and suddenly realised that financial movement is one way traffic …. out of the council coffers. So they decided a week or so ago that it was time to have a shot at reversing the flow and justify Jenny Hill’s high risk and inadequately costed venture.

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There is no doubt there will be the expected stampede of corporate covered wagons and horny-handed sons of toil  locking wheel in a wild dash to stake their claims, involving sharp elbowing and language that would make even Margie Ryder blush.  This once-in-a-lifetime-offer closes on Jan 3, and then courageously optimistic council says one month later, they will announce the lucky winners.

We await the outcome with interest.

” Don’t Blame Me. The White Devil Made Me Do It.”

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Way back last century, American comedian Flip Wilson’s famous shopaholic character Geraldine and her legendary catchphrase ‘Don’t blame me – the devil made me do it‘ made us all chuckle at the outrageous blame shifting.

But soon, it may be no laughing matter for Australian society. In an astounding and retrograde decision  bound to deepen social and racial divisions in this country,  the Judicial Commission of NSW Annual Report stepped well out of it’s remit to recommend that indigenous defendants should be allowed to plead  that ‘inherited trauma’ of Australia’s colonial past be accepted as a mitigating circumstance. And judges should take nit into account in sentencing. In other words, the white devils of colonialism made me do it, whether it be rape, murder, stealing or more minor offences.

The Australian’s  Nick Cater was having none of it.

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In his article in last Monday’s Cater lays bare the damaging idiocy in a scathing dissection of a report others have labelled ‘a guide to going woke’.  The Magpie treats such claims about ‘woke’ with caution, but this time, the derision is wholly justified.

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And it will come as no surprise that all this was spawned in the United States , where academics have made an art form of getting grants to study a whole spectrum of issues to support a woke  (awareness) agenda. But when the NSW report makes an absolute goose of its authors when it is revealed on what evidence they base their recommendation to the judiciary.

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None of this is to ignore the fact that indigenous Australian didn’t suffer so unjustly and brutally under the early generations of settlers, and due recognition and reparations are going on still, and rightly so (up to a point, because the self seeking elite get into the act -there can be no doubt they will try to use this to gain their covert agenda of massive and undeserved reparations for their ‘blended’ brethren).  But the real crux of this discredited theory is how it perpetuates the the underlying indigenous outlook, exploited by many of these ‘blended’ activists for person gain and power.

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In conclusion, Cater makes the undeniable case that e Judicial Commission has shot itself in the foot, and there should be only one outcome.

Screenshot 2024-10-19 at 8.46.49 pmFortunately, this ill placed lunacy is unlikely to get a foothold in Queensland, especially when the LNP get into office … Crisafulli has already vowed to ‘tear up’ certain Labor agreements to bargain with land and as yet unknown treaty demands.

 Just To Take A Break From Fist Clenching, A Lighter Moment.

No one will be surprised that The ‘Pie is a regular cruciverbalist … that’s the $10 word for crossword fanatic. The Magpie only does the cryptic versions, they force the mind to be nimble with language as well as have a good memory. Occasionally, a clue makes you laugh out loud, as one did during the week. See if you can get it.

This tool sounds like it is no good. (6 letters).

A helpful clue:  the most obvious answer  – ‘ Troy Thompson’ may be correct but it has way to many letters.

*** answer at bottom of the blog.

 It It Was Another Week Of  Difficult Choice In America …

… the choice being to laugh or cry.  The bizarre spectacle of Donald Trump halting his usual harague mid rally, and deciding to dance to his favourite play list might have even been amusing if it was for two or there minutes … but he went on prancing, dancing and wobbling around the stage for 40 minutes. And no one seems to have had the courage yet to tell that his rally favourite YMCA is a gay anthem. And no one told him he is no Taylor Swift.

But as usual, in the bizarro stakes, our Donald always manages to top his last piece of lunacy. This time, , it was a few days later, when he tried to repair the irreparable gap between him and women over the abortion repeal issue (‘I am you Protector’) with the claim that was ‘The Father Of IVF’!?!

At least one cartoonist agreed with him.
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TRIGGER WARNING: Townsville Bulletin staff, Townsville City Councillors – especially the mayor- and Adjunct Professor old mate Colin Dwyer  are warned that the following content contains BIG  NUMBERS and MULTIPLICATION which are likely to cause dizziness, confusion and disorientation. DO NOT under any circumstances attempt any unsupervised multiplication. If you are inadvertently exposed to these BIG NUMBERS,  you should seek assistance immediately, it is strongly advised that you get legal advice to sue your high school maths teachers for allowing you to neglect your studies in favour of skateboarding, toking, sexting and circle jerking behind the bicycle shed. 

There’s The Old Saying That If You Want To Know What God Thinks Of Money, Look At Who He Let’s Have It.

This came to mind when this story popped up with an intriguing headline.

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Now The Magpie was astounded as the maths involved here. Do you actually know what a trillion really is? Have you thought of the different ways it can be measured? Putting aside the odious Musk’s role in this story (which reaches a fairly strange conclusion), the numbers are mind glazing. And The ‘Pie apologies if he has left you depressed. Especially those who are just paltry  millionaires.

Crossword Answer.

“This tool sounds like it is no good.”


Well, I laughed.


Another week gone, and with any justice, our accidental mayor will be, too by this time next week.  If you would like to help out with some financial support for the Nest, the appropriate button nis below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Mike Douglas says:

    Councils paid parking debacle puts a doubt on capabilities of Councils senior management / directors / current team hill councillors . They must have seen Councils 2022 Townsville car parking survey . Prins and Jenny appointed most of the Senior management and the fact of previous Council turnstile of CEOs , control freak Mayor they couldn’t attract qualified people and thru in people they could control . Like previous Labor council , les , scott , Aaron Townsville deserves better . Councillor Robinson lecturing business , Council on his knowledge of Starbucks and San Diego car parking studies but couldn’t provide information on the few kilometres around where he supposedly works everyday .

    • Circus fan says:

      The executive bully the councillors by dealing with half truths and providing incomplete reports. When councillors ask questions, the staff give half truths, omit facts or tell the councillors that the information has been provided. Effectively embarrassing the councillors to submission, when in fact they are gaslighting.
      Then you have the Machiavellian Greaney who thinks she’s too clever and outsmarting the other councillors by placating to the senior staff, if only she knew the staff are doing whatever they want whether it be bad or good for Townsville, knowing Ma Greaney will blindly support them despite not knowing how to read a report or finances.

  2. Ducks Nuts says:

    Morning Magpie, I’m not sure how on one hand we are defending Jews, and on the other dismissing intergenerational trauma. Much research on epigenetics and intergenerational trauma has been done on holocaust survivors and their ancestors. In short, it’s a thing.





    • The Magpie says:

      You do not seem to make the dangerous link between the controversial and inconclusive science of epigenetics and the debunked hokum of eugenics.

      In the prevalent modern fashion, it serves some to have some sort of scientific basis for an endless blame game.


      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Your article is from 2016 and research has progressed significantly since then. Please refer to the more recent articles linked above.

    • The Magpie says:

      Have no idea what you mean by ‘defending Jews’? You might care to expand on what that encompasses, but it is prudent to make the crucial distinction that criticising Israel and it’s literal overkill is not anti-semitic, it is anti-Israel as a state.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        I fully understand the meaning of anti-Semitism—it is a form of racism. My original point was this: “I don’t understand how, on one hand, we defend Jews from anti-Semitic remarks, yet on the other hand, deny the existence of intergenerational trauma to indigenous peoples.”

        If you dismiss research on intergenerational trauma because you believe it’s a discredited theory limited to Black Americans or Indigenous peoples, then you overlook the extensive studies conducted on the families of Holocaust survivors, war veterans, and more recently, 9/11 survivors.

        Are you now suggesting that Jewish people’s frequent references to Holocaust trauma and its lasting impact are simply part of a hidden agenda for personal gain and power?

        • The Magpie says:

          That is surprisingly disjointed and mildly weird conflation of ideas. Discrimination against jews throughout the ages is based on religion, not race, in the same way the term Islamaphopbia is the Muslim equivalent of anti-semitism. Only a certain and relatively small portion of Jewry have been affected directly by the Holocaust, the remainder appalled and revulsed by the motivation but hardly in line with reputed genetic modification. In light of this, your opening explanation doesn’t make sense, a false connection.

          Your final sentence is beneath contempt for it’s stupidity and insult.

          But now you answer this: are you in favour of three percent of the population, the ‘blended’ minority, receiving much more lenient punishment for criminal behaviour than the other 97%? And do you see all indigenous people living under exactly the same circumstances to apply this mitigating circumstance?

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Sorry Magpie. Anti-Semitism is racism.
            And a holocaust refresher for you, by 1945, 2 out of 3 Jews who had lived in Europe were dead. This seems like a largish impact, approximately 36% of the entire Jewish population in the world at the time.

          • The Magpie says:

            Enough defection, mate, how about answering the more relevant Australian issue about leniency for aborigines who break the law? You are strangely silent on the core matter raised in the Nest and appear to be dodging making comment.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            I’m not dodging mate. Just pointing out that if you believe intergenerational trauma doesn’t apply to one group of people, because its “dangerous mumbo jumbo” and there is “a covert agenda” behind it, then you must believe it doesn’t apply to other groups of people either. So according to you, and Nick Cater, Jewish families weren’t affected by intergenerational trauma, families of POWs weren’t affected by intergenerational trauma, families of Vietnam Veterans weren’t affected by intergenerational trauma.

            Personally, I believe the science that shows intergenerational trauma exists.

          • The Magpie says:

            Ignoring your bumptious and presumptuous decision to make up beliefs you ascribe to The Pie, let’s see if you can manage to NOT dodge this one then …. if IGT exists for everyone, as you say, you would support the recommended judicial leniency applying to the Smith, Jones and O’Malley’s of today whose forebears were terrorised by aboriginal attacks on their homesteads and travellers? And those with convict forbears can also cite shrivelled genes through the trauma of the British penal system, transportation and harsh life in the early penal colony.

            Get yourself a t-shirt printed with Victimhood Forever. Are you a duck or a goose?

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            The research on IGT shows that the strongest effects is in the immediate generations following trauma. Additionally the effects can be minimised with healing and support. Therefore decendents of OMalleys who got spears and nulla nullas thrown at them when they settled in aboriginal land, will be ok. Descendants of convicts were likely affected. And children from homes where domestic or sexual violence is prevalent, or who experienced homelessness would also experience it and pass it to their descendants.

            It’s less about victimhood, and more about recognising and acknowledging that people’s behaviour is often more than some surface level thing they can turn on and off. Some environmental factors will cause a response that the person doesn’t understand, and cannot control. However, appropriate support, instead of derision, has been shown to help change this.

          • The Magpie says:

            Mandating a blanket rule that that two people committing identical crimes in identical circumstances (hypothetically) do NOT receive equal punishment because of race will never fly in this country. Courts already take into account and do often discount penalties because of family and social background for ALL defendants regardless of race, but suggesting judges (and especially magistrates) become quasi psychologists and psychiatrists using some sort of sliding scale of ‘historic mitigation’ is utter nonsense. On your argument, Jewish offenders – whether related to holocaust victims/survivors or not – could claim intergenerational trauma simply by being jewish.

            And if IGT is adopted for indigenous Australians, it won’t be long before Human Rights and other associated bodies including the High Court, get involved in claims from all races (Muslims, Sikhs, Chinese, Vietnamese, Scots, Tasmanians and Australian rugby supporters tribe) will sue for the same rights, such is their historic trauma (‘My ancestors were whipped and tortured while building the Great Wall, and my family has never got over it.’ or ‘Oh, the horror of Culloden Moor, I live with it every day, hoots mon, yer onner, it makes me steal ladies purses.’)

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            The conversation about IGT isn’t about granting leniency based on exaggerated or absurd historical grievances, as you suggested with your references to the Great Wall or Culloden Moor. The scientific research on IGT focuses on immediate descendants of people who experienced significant, identifiable trauma, such as Holocaust survivors, Indigenous peoples, or war veterans. The trauma these groups faced is well-documented, and its effects on subsequent generations have been studied extensively.

            What I have been saying is that if we acknowledge the trauma suffered by Holocaust survivors and its impact on their descendants, it seems inconsistent to dismiss similar trauma in Indigenous peoples. It’s not about creating blanket excuses for behavior or claiming victimhood forever—it’s about understanding how severe trauma can affect families and communities over time and how we can address those impacts.

            You raised concerns about leniency in the legal system, which is a valid point. Courts do already consider factors like trauma, social background, and mental health for all defendants, as you noted. Recognizing IGT wouldn’t create a two-tier justice system; it would simply allow judges to consider the complex factors that may have contributed to someone’s behavior, which is already standard practice.

            Trauma, regardless of race or background, can have lasting impacts, and acknowledging that is about finding ways to support people, not excusing wrongdoing. If we want a fairer society, we need to recognize and address the deep roots of some of the issues people face, rather than dismissing them as irrelevant or exaggerated.

          • The Magpie says:

            “Recognizing IGT wouldn’t create a two-tier justice system”. That is wholly illogical. No judge is going to ask a defendant about his great grandfather or mother or whoever, the judge under this proposal is being asked to look at person, accept they are indigenous (hard to tell sometimes) and then give discount for IGT on the grounds of probability, not direct evidence. No such discount will be available to other defendants (including Jews and Muslims) beyond the immediate situation as tearfully recounted by the soft-hearted old lawyers. Sooky lot they are.

            Trauma, regardless of race or background, can have lasting impacts, and acknowledging that is about finding ways to support people, not excusing wrongdoing. If we want a fairer society, we need to recognize and address the deep roots of some of the issues people face, rather than dismissing them as irrelevant or exaggerated.

            Totally agree, (I mean it) but a court of law is not the arena to explore these matters in a way that creates an unfair racial division. A bashed wife, a stolen car or a dead person are no less offended against because the perpetrator pleads that some IGT devil made them do it. They still remain just as bashed, stolen or dead.

            Anyway, we’ve both had a good say on this, but we’re going around in circles, and The ‘Pie notes we two seem to the only ones interested so he must agree to disagree. Let’s move on.

            Thread ended.

        • The Magpie says:

          Being given a social license of less responsibility for one’s actions is never going to end the closed circuit of perceived and encourage victimhood. And the theories you express will further entrench racism in this country.


    • Grumpy says:

      Ducky, I can almost hear the contempt and hatred in your voice when you snarl the word “Jews”. Are you actually anti-semantic?

    • Tropical Cyclone says:

      Labeling a child as a victim can lead to lasting trauma. Instead of fostering a mindset of victimhood, it’s more beneficial to help them develop resilience and thrive in the world. Teaching them to be independent and contribute positively to society will empower them and encourage them to uplift others. It’s far more constructive to guide them toward self-sufficiency rather than reinforcing a narrative of helplessness that promotes dependency and self-destructive behaviours. I guess it makes people sleep better and possibly financially benefit from the defence of perceived victims. Hmmmm

  3. Rotten Luck Willie says:

    Thank you Mr ‘Pie, for this week’s blog explains to me the wretched circumstance that has been my life.

    Intergenerational Trauma

    For hundreds of years and too many generations to count, the Willies lived in abject poverty in the slums of London. These horrid conditions unknowingly scarred the Willies beyond measure.

    Then some of the Willie family emigrated to the Swan River Settlement (now Fremantle).

    It has only been 192 years of fresh air, clean water and sunshine but in all that time the Willies have not been able to get up, and make a go of it, and now I understand why.

    Intergenerational Trauma of the London slums.

    What a downer for the Willies.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, there’s one Freud never thought of … Willies unable to stand up and be counted because of grandad’s treatment. Works for women too. ‘No, darling, not tonight, I haven’t got a headache, I was just thinking of what happened in 1846.’

      • Jeff, Condon says:

        Soooo, if in some fantasy, the courts did decide to adopt IGT principles when determining sentences based on race, some proof may be needed on the claimed race by the defendant claiming mitigation.

        Then, of course, would the level of race bear any significance? For instance, would a person having only 10% of a caste be entitled to the same leniency as another with 60% of that caste?

        It would become more complicated if the remaining 90% consisted of more recent and severe traumatic events needed to be considered.

        Realistically, it’s too stupid to be taken seriously and just proves that the NSW Judicial Commission doesn’t have enough real work to do.

  4. John says:

    Wayne Preedy is a great Townsvillian, being our Local Disaster Coordinator for more than a decade (leading us through the 2019 floods and more) and President of the Townsville RSL, after serving his country for a couple of decades – a finer human you wouldn’t find. Sadly, we enter disaster season with him no longer as our LDC – the previous Council CEO had so little understanding of our disaster management laws in Qld that he thought he ran disasters and not the LDMG, with support from the Acting Director of Infrastructure, they undermined the authority of the LDC and professional operation of the LDMG to such an extent that Wayne couldn’t stay. Apart from sinking the Council with 100s of millions in debt, failing to deliver capital, destroying the culture and walking away with millions in pay after a bit over three years in the role, his incompetence has seen our community lose our LDC. Such a disastrous outcome for our community should never be forgotten, and whenever the previous CEO is seeking opportunities, his disastrous legacy should be front of everyone’s mind.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      I beg to differ. Preedy was a person focussed on the minute detail and on making the previous mayor look good with a string of opportunities to wear her High Vis Vest. Without Jenny’s umbrella of protection his days were numbered. The new CEO is a shrewd operator and will sort things out.

  5. Prince Rollmop says:

    It’s wonderful having an ex bankrupt person with a history of dishonesty in charge of our finances and assets. It installs such a high level of confidence in his abilities. No wonder we now have Mr Oberhardt keeping a close eye on the incompetent Mayor.

    • Grumpy says:

      Mopey – I know plenty of decent, honest and hard-working people who, through no fault of their own, have the been forced into a a position where voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy is the only option – Covid, the Great Pilots’ Strike a few decades ago, principal contractors going under leaving subbies in the lurch, natural uninsured disasters – the reasons are myriad. But what is telling is how the situation was handled – who got priority payments and other dodgy dealings leading up to the presentation of the one’s own petition. I have nothing but contempt and hatred to a molecular level for Thompson, but I don’t know enough about the circumstances to vilify him over his former bankruptcy alone. I understand that there is som suggestion that his ex-wife got a priority payment – was she forced to return that amount, and it actually returned to the Bankruptcy Trustee? Has anyone got a copy of the Trustree’s final report? What was the shortfall in assets/liabilities? Who were the unsecured creditors? Was a dividend to creditors paid and how much? Many questions, but I won’t bother asking Thompson.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Grumpy, you make a valid point and I apologise to any person offended by my comment. Indeed there are many reasons why a person goes bankrupt and it doesn’t necessarily mean that the person was incompetent.

        Everything about this mayor is questionable – domestic violence charges, bankruptcy (why exactly, what was his hand in the company’s finances going tits up?), his CV and work history and his constant excuses. If not looks like a turd and smells like a turd it probably is a turd.

        • Old Tradesman says:

          On a similar note, KAP have a convicted felon running as a candidate, how can this be allowed?

          • crabclaw says:

            You seem to have it in for him OT as a your only recent comments have been along the same vein and ignored.. Ol Les feeling a bit threatened and now trying the character assassination as running out of options? Not targeting the LNP candidate so their internal polling must be causing a bit of sphincter puckering hey. KAP bloke was charged, not convicted is my recollection.

          • The Magpie says:

            Mr Pugh said he was fined and handed a suspended prison sentence for the offences including break and enter as well as stealing with violence. Armed with a bayonet.

          • Not standing for Mayor says:

            Perhaps KAP are just cutting to the chase and cutting out the tedius process of political power corrupting people? They also have Potty Mouth Ryder as a candidate so it’s kind of like “the joker and the thief”.

          • Thinnest of margins says:

            Old Tradie, it’s because sociopathic and psychopathic personalities are attracted to politics. Just look at some of the narcissistic imbeciles we’ve had in Townsville – Mooney, Young, Hill, Ralston. And all the KAP candidates have some kind of mental imbalance, Same applies to One Nation. Politics attracted the greatest bunch of dipshits society has to offer.

      • Southern Comfort says:

        A closer read of the Bankruptcy notice published on TwoNames shows that he was “personally” declared bankrupt in 2007. The insolvency liquidation of the software company was in 2017 (this is also when the liquidators highlight the unauthorised payment to the ex-wife made by TwoNames, and that the company was trading whilst insolvent with His Incompetence as CEO and director).

        10 years apart in those two instances. Having such poor control of finances once might be forgivable, twice seems suspicious. Add to that the fact that the story about WHY he changed his name is also false (I know the house rules about mentioning children are that it should be relevant, which it is), his wife was not the last in her line, she already had a child born with the surname, TwoNames step-daughter. So why did he really have to change his name? More of his lies. There is more to how he gained. TwoNames than he has ever admitted, and for that you add further suspicions. Lo and behold A Current Affair uncover his fraud and forgery utterance convictions of 2007, he’s never properly answered what that was about. So let’s add another “suspicious” instance.

        I think it is safe to say that this is a person you don’t want holding your beer money on a night out, let alone the finances of the city.

        So for the math perspective, something TwoNames obviously struggles with due to the 100 concussions let’s recap:
        Personal Bankruptcy +
        Trading whilst insolvent leading to company collapse +
        Unauthorised payment to ex-wife +
        Fraud & Forgery Utterance+
        Lying about the second name+
        Every single lie he told through the election campaign =
        Mayor of Townsville April 10th 2024

        Now let’s start adding up what he’s lied about and f$&ked up since then….whoops, my calculator blew a foofoo valve.

        I think the final tally is, one dodgy NightMayor we need shot of.

        • Toy Thompstain says:

          I wonder if Twodogs learned his trade – bullshitting, lying, embezzling, domestic violence, from conman Peter Foster? There is definitely some similar traits. I personally could t give a shit what type of person that someone strives to be. But this arsewipe is dragging Townsville down into the mire. This stain has to go….

      • The 5th Highwayman says:

        Grumpy – Townsville Bulletin https://www.townsvillebulletin.com.au/news/townsville/townsville-mayors-a-current-affair-tellall-exposes-more-business-failings-and-attempted-fraud-charges/news-story/19715223b5fd6d8d8dac3a1304afec6d ipro solutions left a $9,000,000.00 debt, not insignificant for an SME (or what was really just small almost medium business).

        • The Magpie says:

          Thompson also left a lot of unhappy campers. Like this bloke’s comment that been floating around for a while now.

  6. Forrest Yates says:

    Regards “devil made me do it” . If u tell someone that they’re shit n all their culture too for centuries then how can you be surprised when they act like shit ! ????

  7. Doug K says:

    The millions already wasted on Landsdown infrastructure should not be written off.
    What about turning Landsdown into a satellite city for low-cost housing, with its own parks, playgrounds, supermarket, petrol station etc?
    Sure, it would be a sizeable commute to Townsville by local standards, but it’s an everyday trip for many capital city dwellers.
    Any other ideas for Team Jenny Hill’s biggest and most expensive disaster (apart from the dam gate flooding, of course)?
    And just a question on the Disaster Committee replacement: Does the position of Local Disaster Coordinator involve coordinating local disasters?

    • The Magpie says:

      Re the site as residential. Don’t know if that would be an attractive idea, but there is a rail line available for commuters.

    • Jenny says:

      A satellite city is a great idea, Doug. But it would need serious funding, particularly for infrastructure like roads, water and electricity – exactly the sort of funding that the CBD is waiting for to develop the far more attractive and realistic high density real estate at the North Yards. In any case the already spent monies at Lansdown – almost all of which (if you include the foundational and unavoidable Haughton pipeline duplication) have been from state and federal sources – and have set up a perfectly reasonable industrial base for future residential expansion. As recently as July this year the Australian and the BRW were extolling the virtues of the proposed Quinbrook/Solarquartz processing plant at Lansdown and some of the other proposals seem to have huge government funding sources behind them, particularly for hydrogen, so I wouldn’t say that Lansdown is a disaster just yet. At least, not like Magnis which has just announced further unpleasantries:

      “ASX 16.10.24
      The Company was informed this morning by iM3NY that yesterday US time the majority of the staff at the battery factory had been laid off. The Company will advise the market of any further substantive information that it becomes aware of.
      Several reports made by local news agencies in Binghampton, USA make false and misleading statements suggesting that the financial issues with the iM3NY plant stem from Magnis and that iM3NY Director Shailesh Upreti claimed a lawsuit has been filed against Magnis. Magnis has not been involved in the running of iM3NY since December 2023 and it is unaware of any open legal suits against the Company.”

    • Hondaman says:

      Doug, Lansdown is not really far away from most services the ‘Ville has to offer, I travelled daily to the Drive-It complex about 6 weeks ago from Heatley, and even in the serious fog that was about then, and the torturous enforced entry to the complex the total time taken was never over half an hour. Most would shop at Fairfield Waters complex where very comprehensive services are available, further reducing the time to fifteen to twenty minutes. I could see why some might think there is merit in the project except the noise from the race track and yet to be completed dragstrip will sink this like a lead balloon! After all that is why the complex was sited there in the first place to escape the urban sprawl, so sorry, NO we don’t need houses at Lansdown!

  8. Mdog says:

    I personally hope that the mayor litigates against you Magpie. Your ramblings every week are embarrassing and borderline obsessive. They are also rude and bullying.

    • The Magpie says:

      Meeting like with like. Regarding Thompson and you.

    • Mr Macphisto says:

      Hey Mdog, have you ever wondered why on the back of all the adverse media coverage TwoNames has ever had that he hasn’t commenced litigation on the grounds of defamation? I can tell you why! It’s because the content of every adverse media article and commentary on social media is substantially true. Until recently, TwoNames has gone through life as a grifter and con artist, however the game is well and truly over now. He is in more shit than Flash Gordon and shortly his entire world will come crashing down. He can lash out in attempt to blame others for his downfall, but in the end he has made his own bed and now must lay in it.

    • Beef cheeks says:

      Mdog, you are close to overtaking Steve from Belgian Gardens and Jenny (aka Elusive Butterfly) for the award of being the biggest fuckstick in the Magpies Nest. Congratulations and well done sir.

    • Achilles says:

      Mdog; Perhaps you can point out where the Magpie is in error, or offer corrections from your blinkered view of constructive criticism!

      If the Mayor were to take your advise and litigate, he will only expose the truth even further of the delinquent litany of his own deceptions and untruths.

      But with supporters like you, he’s not in need of any real enemies!

      • Southern Comfort says:

        I can say with as much authority as the Pie will let me, he has an ironclad truth defence available to him in every comment he has made from March 6th of this year until now. And if required, in the fictional and deluded dream of TwoNames “Going back for the hat” Defamation claims, I will be putting my money and my mouth where it is needed to support the Pie, and the Bulletin, in that.

        Stealing a line from Grumpy – Troy, my lad – can you not guess yet who I am?

    • The 5th Highwayman says:

      Mdog, I dont’ know much about defamation.

      But I do know about when people don’t tell the truth – Five Years Military Service ❌ Served With SAS ❌ University Qualifications (as posted on LinkedIn) ❌

      These are things good Townsville folk took into account when determining who to Vote for when selecting the best candidate for Mayor.

    • The Unflinching Finch says:

      Having a bad day mdog fart? Go stalk a restaurant, dear leader might walk out with a doggie bag and placate your seething mood.

  9. Elusive Butterfly says:

    So, our soon to elected Premier, Crisafulli, has vowed to resign after four years, if, he hasn’t solved the State’s youth crime problem.
    Four years… seriously…
    Does he really think that those little fuckers care who is Premier?
    They’ll just carry on regardless…
    This third-rate TV “journalist” , who fleed Townsville after losing Mundingburra, to the Gold Coast, so that his wife could sell more hats, is weak and indecisive.
    The Liberals have put their faith in the wrong man.
    The grooming started with Senator Ian MacDonald way back, and continues to this day.
    And let’s not mention his stand on abortion and euthanasia!
    Let’s not!
    I can’t wait to see the demise and destruction of Labor and the three Townsville goons, but, if anyone thinks things will get better under Crisafulli and his submissive, untested and untried team members, they need therapy!
    He’s simply the wrong man.
    I should know…

    • The Magpie says:

      Why should you know?

    • Alahazbin says:

      Wow! EB, Love you timing, you have been quiet.
      But I have one word for you ‘Integrity’
      Something this last government has been missing for years.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      And there’s the snap! Elusive Butterflog has been holding in his hatred of Crisafulli and could no longer contain himself. You did well Butterflog, but it’s time to head back overseas for another holiday you twat.

    • Al says:

      Exclusive butterflog. “I should know ” means what? Do you have secrets? Or are you peeing windward? Or down wind? I reckon my stupid comment is about as sensible, or informative as yours.

  10. Ball bag says:

    Lydia Thorpe made a fool of herself in front of the dipshit King in parliament. It was like watching a circus. What can I say other than they are all fuckheads, Lydia, King Charles and Camilla.

    • The 5th Highwayman says:

      Acting like that just sets back what she hopes to achieve another 25 years.

    • Bill says:

      Complete phaaarking disgrace

    • Lydia the tattooed lady says:

      Lydia doesn’t need to make fool of herself, she already is a fool.

      • White Mouse says:

        Lydia Thorpe is our (far left) version of (MAGA far right) Marjorie Taylor Greene in the US. Both are more well know for media stunts and being nut cases rather than any work they have done on behalf of their constituents. If either had any ethics they would resign from the job that they hate, but they crave the fame of a national stage from which they can spout their nonsense,

        • The Magpie says:

          Wasn’t she on a parliamentary committee looking into bikie gang crime but failed to declare that at the time she was sleeping with the main bikie boss under investigation?

          • John Wilkes Booth says:


          • Jenny says:

            Yes she was and yes she did not. But she also referred herself to a committee to make findings about the whole matter. Parts of those findings are:

            The joint committee provided a detailed account of its activities during the period Senator Thorpe was a member and noted:
            the committee did not conduct an inquiry specifically focussed on Outlaw Motor Cycle Gangs (OMCGs) during the period Senator Thorpe was a member of the committee.
            The joint committee advised that some of the claims in media reports about in-camera documents and information that Senator Thorpe had access to as a member of the committee were incorrect. Specifically, the joint committee noted that:
            The committee wishes to address media reporting which claimed that Senator Thorpe attended a private briefing at the AFP headquarters in May 2021 and implied that this was for [a] significant police operation ie. Operation Ironside. While it is true that Senator Thorpe did attend a private briefing in May 2021, the briefing covered issues relevant to the new vaccine fraud inquiry and other matters which led the committee to commence its inquiry into law enforcement capabilities in relation to child exploitation. There was a subsequent private briefing on Operation Ironside but this occurred well after the operation had been made public and Senator Thorpe did not attend the briefing and nor did she request a copy of the transcript.
            The committee is of the view that Senator Thorpe should have declared her relationship with Mr Martin to the joint committee as a potential conflict of interest with her work on the committee. It was possible that she would receive sensitive material of interest to outlaw motorcycle gangs through her work on the joint committee. However, on the basis of the evidence provided by the joint committee and Senator Thorpe, the committee is satisfied that no disclosure of such material has occurred and that the operations of the joint committee have not been impeded. The committee therefore concludes that a contempt should not be found in relation to the matters referred to it.

          • The Magpie says:

            Pollies looking after themselves again. The point is Thorpe did not make disclosure about her relationship which could have posed a conflict, and it had to be revealed by the demon press. Her various exhibitionist behaviours indicate she is not a person to be trusted with confidential information. And she referred herself when nit became untenable not to do so. Those bloody journos, eh?

            But thanks for putting the background on record.

    • Achilles says:

      Thorpe needs to realise that she is NOT what she claims to be, or what she wishes she were.

      She is bloody lucky that she was NOT born into as so many FULL blood Aborigines are, to be subjugated and subjected to a Paleolithic condition.

      If it was so bloody wonderful before Europeans came here why did these “invaders” not adopt the culture of the natives?

    • Lab Rat says:

      Good on Lydia. The only truth spoken in the whole shenanigans was hers.

      • Mad Jack says:

        I think they have performed one too many experiments on you.

      • Barfly says:

        Yes, dear Lidia, the all white politician pretending to be indigenous. She is a drunkard and an idiot. If she thinks the white folk are so bad, why doesn’t she ditch her $250k salary? Plus she pledged allegiance to the monarchy when she was appointed as a senator. Fucking hypocrite. She is just a bad tempered loud mouthed skank.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      Not a fan of the monarchy, but a fan of the rule of law. Scumetor Thorpe (of bikie mole fame) swore an oath to the Crown to get the well paid public service job she has. She has broken that sworn oath and should be binned as a lesson to all the other Troy Twostains out there.

    • John Wilkes Booth says:

      And Dear Ball bag,

      Who by your standards is not a, to use your vulgar and repugnant language, fuckhead?

      In these times that are desperately in need of courtesy, elegance, and conversation resplendent in a rich vocabulary and fine articulation we desperately await your considered contribution.

      Do you use this language around your granddaughters?

      • Ball bag says:

        John Wilkes Booth, how does ‘kiss my ass’ sound? If you don’t like ‘repugnant’ language you would be best to go and read a cook book or perhaps the Townsville Bulletin. Be assured I won’t be changing my style for you, ye old assassin.

    • Headmistress says:

      28 pages of demented run-on sentences, malaphors, atrocious spelling and page after page of screenshots of Bulletin headlines. Whoever is tasked with reviewing Thompson’s response may need to engage a Cooker translator. Someone proficient in ‘sovereign spelling’ , mixed POV for grandiose effect and dog whistling.

      • The Magpie says:

        Nice summary and that great old word, malaphors used so aptly. Thompson’s Deliverance crew obviously were not looking where they were leaping out of the frying pan into the fire.

  11. Pat Coleman says:

    The link to the federal court decision awarding compensation for unlawfully sacked Qantas Workers. I haven’t read it yet but the win helps everyone with the high court decision on adverse action and unlawful dismissal and now compo . Don’t want to rain on the parade but people will be wondering about class action fees after recent big cases too https://www.judgments.fedcourt.gov.au/judgments/Judgments/fca/single/2024/2024fca1216

    • White Mouse says:

      Class action lawyers and their backers are a pack of vultures. After they get their fees, the actual claimants are lucky to get 60% of the headline figure.

  12. Mike Douglas says:

    The possible loss of Townsville , Thuringowa , Mundingburra seats for Townsvilles rusted on Labor supporters on top of Council is causing lots of frantic Labor booth people at pre – polling . Pushing in front of people heading towards alternate parties marquees then verballing yelling ” dont trust David Crisafulli ” is not working in Aaron , Scott , Les favour . Estimated cost to Qlders on the CMFEU ” best practice ” deal on Qld State Govt projects over $100 mil is $1 bil . Like the Federal Government putting in place administrators and other states looking into their activities im sure the LNP will look at the agreement . Can’t see Miles based on the fact the unions put him Premier .

  13. Afterthought says:

    Labor loyalists after the loss of Council and staring down Mundingburra , Thuringowa , Townsville were frantic pre-poll Aitkenvale PCYC yesterday . Les Walker has two marquees ( most polling have one ) which has wedged anyone who wishes to talk to Kap , LNP funnelled into their catchment even when you try and talk to other parties the labor booth people are yelling you cant trust David Crisafulli .

    Surprised if there isn’t any incidents .

    • The Magpie says:

      Seems polling bullying has reached an interesting stage.

      Anybody got any pix of what Afterthought is describing. Send them to email hidden; JavaScript is required

    • Ball bag says:

      Labor are desperate. They have been painted into a corner. Fans of the brawler and Batman will do anything to save their bacon. The gravy train is about to stop at its final station and Labor will be unloaded with all the other refuse. It’s time for Crisafulli to shine.

  14. The cooker watcher says:

    I read our fruitloop Mayors response to the show-cause. There is no doubt that his ramblings were inspired by cooker’s who were drunk on Koolaid. Seriously, Thompson has some roo’s loose in the top paddock. I noticed how within many of his media posts he speaks about bullying and litigation. There is no doubt that this bloke is out for a big payout. What he forgets is that newspapers such as the Bulletin are exercising their own democratic rights by publishing news stories about Thompson. They have every right to do so. It’s freedom of the press. If Thompson wasn’t such a shyster and conman (as has been proven through ample evidence) maybe some of the news stories about him would be more positive?

  15. Nicolae Ceausescu says:

    I have heard from people in the know that officers from QPS and the CCC raided two names office this morning.

    • The Magpie says:

      His mayoral office? Like to find SFA there, spends most of time scoffing grub around town or plotting with his Deliverance crew around the kitchen table. Anyway. The ‘Pie will believe it when it is revealed by his latest foaming fb post.

      • Nicolae Ceausescu says:

        Yes TCC office.

        • Southern Comfort says:

          Timing sounds about right. But don’t expect the OIA to have any interest in the racist and anti-senitic posts.

          The bottom line, under the two governing acts they work under, is that unless you are a member of the vilified community (in this case a Jewish or Indigenous person) you are unable to report a complaint to the Queensland Human Rights Commission, even if you have witnessed any acts. Your only option, for those outside those communities, is to “Report Racism” via a form on their website. The form will be kept as evidence if needed, but no further action will be taken on it.

          The processes and forms are as follows:
          Report Racism – https://www.qhrc.qld.gov.au/complaints/report-racism
          Or as a member of a vilified group, you can follow the process and forms found at this link –

          So, you can see a crime, but you can’t really complain about it. I think that is a new low for bureaucracy.

  16. Achilles says:

    The ABC has been repeatedly broadcasting HRH and Mrs HRH at a BBQ where almost everyone is dressed as if they’re at a Gala(h) Ball.

    Probably some etiquette or protocol thing?

    • The Magpie says:

      Idle thought. Anyone seen a picture of King Chuck and Mad Monk Abbott together? The ‘Pie would love to measure the wing span of the world’s two most famous wingnuts.

  17. The Magpie says:

    Magpie editorial note to Prince Rollmop and tenacious D.

    The ‘Pie thanks you for your timely on-passing of Thompson latest fantasy, but has decided he does not wish to amplify such demented, self-promoting evidence of a very sick mind. It therefore will not be published at this time. Thompson is following the Trump playbook of repeating tosh, twaddle and outright lies as many times as possible in as many places as possible. The Magpie has decided The Nest will not play ball and be a party to this tactic. (PS readers, you’re not missing anything useful or true.)

  18. Jenny says:

    According to the ABC report (thanks “J.B”) Cr Thompson said he submitted his response to the show cause notice on Monday, just before the deadline. He said his 23-page defence included “35 documents of evidence” and a nine-page timeline of events.
    Magpie, if this response is what you mean by “demented, self-promoting evidence of a very sick mind”, it would be public-spirited of you to publish it. OTOH, if you have been fed some coincidental Facebook tosh, twaddle and outright lies I can understand your reluctance. Do you think the Premier and Opposition Leader will be bothered getting together, comparing notes and making a joint decision to suspend our mayor at this critical moment in the election campaign?

  19. Ball bag says:

    That’s a bit of a shame if you don’t publish Thompson’s rants. Not only are they entertaining, but they keep us (who are banned from Facebook and/or his page) in the loop about what he is up to. It’s nice to know what this psychopathic litigator is doing.

  20. The Magpie says:

    No Jenny, that is not what the comment referred to, it referred to his latest fb post, sent in by two different readers. An publishing it would just aid and abet his campaign of disinformation and bluster.

    And yes, it is possible … likely even … that LNP and Labor will meet on the matter, if a joint agreement is required on removing this cancer. Labor will have no choice but to move , otherwise, since they issued the show cause notice and deadline, they will be seen as unwilling, weak and untrustworthy to act on a ‘promise’ of action that they made. And the LNP will be aware that there is a very real possibility that failure to support Thompson’s removal may well see at least one Townsville seat seriously threatened by KAP.

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